Different Types of SEO and When to Use Them

It comes as no surprise that search engine optimization has become an integral component of digital marketing. After all, it leverages search engines to great effect, improving their online visibility through the search engine results pages or SERPs. While simple in concept, the process can be complex. So to help you get started, we’ve listed down what the different types of SEO are and when to use them. 

On-page SEO

As its name suggests, on-page SEO or on-site search engine optimization refers to the process behind the optimization of a website and the material published on its Web pages. This includes but isn’t necessarily limited to keywords, body copy, meta titles, and headers. In other words, this type of search engine optimization is built primarily on informative, high-quality content. 

But the published material can’t just be slightly informative – it needs to respond to concerns and resolve issues that few other Web pages address. If it’s better than everything else, it’s likely to rank high. You’ll also need to choose your targeted keywords wisely. Therefore, a fair bit of research is crucial. But be sure to stick with long-tailed keywords as their specificity aligns more with the way users conduct their local searches. Hire professional local SEO services if you have to.

Apart from the content and keywords, navigation is also another element that demands attention. If visitors can’t find their way around the site, chances are they’ll leave. So make sure the website is easy to browse.

Off-page SEO

Compared to on-page SEO, defining its off-page counterpart is a little harder. The first and perhaps the most essential aspect of off-page SEO is link-building. It’s all about using links to attract more visitors and show search engines like Google that users value the material you publish on your Web pages, making your online domain authoritative. 

Social media is another off-page element that makes a significant difference in how a website ranks in the search results. After all, if your content is talked about in popular social media channels, then it’s likely that search engines will create more visibility on it and guide more people to the material. The additional traffic won’t just lead to better conversions – it’ll enhance your SEO efforts as well.

Creating and strengthening positive relationships with other online sources like bloggers and influencers is another off-page SEO practice you need to adopt. These strategies can help enhance your internet visibility, from guest blogging to commenting on posts. But, again, if you need assistance, it’s worth looking into securing the services of an Austin SEO expert if your business is located in the area

Technical SEO

While some consider technical SEO part of on-page search engine optimization, it’s its own thing. Simply put, it’s related to on-page factors but is out of sight. For instance, the responsive designs that enable sites to scale on mobile devices are part of technical SEO. So is the speed at which the Web pages load. You must give attention to these elements because they can attract and engage users.


Understanding the different kinds of SEO and knowing how and when to use them is important, even if you have the expertise of experienced professionals at your disposal. So make sure that you take the time to familiarize yourself with them. It will go a long way in helping you succeed.